Academic, Educational and Business

Some of the students’ extracurricular activities were related to their academic interests, either working in parallel with their formal courses or allowing them to experience academic fields outside of their chosen majors.

Students could also take their first steps into the working world, gaining experience in their prospective professions and establishing networks for future employment opportunities.

Consulting Group

The Yale-NUS Consulting Group (YNCG) took the global and interdisciplinary nature of Yale-NUS’ liberal arts education and applied it to the business world.

In 2016, YNCG interviewed six venture capitalists and 32 CEOs and founders from start-up companies, gathering their insights about the development of start-ups in Southeast Asia.

Working with two sponsor companies—6:30 Partners and Eric Salmon & Partners—they produced this report containing advice, inspiration and potential strategies for the next generation of Southeast Asian start-up CEOs.


YNC_Hacks was founded in 2014 by Hrishi Olickel (Class of 2018) and Parag Bhatnagar (Class of 2017) to bring together students interested in computers, programming and the tech industry.

In 2015, a YNC_Hacks team won first place at the Startathon hackathon, while they also helped set-up the biggest student hackathon in Singapore, 2016’s Hack & Roll.

They organised a range of workshops on computer coding and programming, covering languages like Python and R (a language used in the Quantitative Reasoning Common Curriculum course), as well as offering guidance on other software and hardware.

They also organised hackathons where members could meet up with others—both locally and internationally—to work together on projects.

Entrepreneurship Society

The Yale-NUS Entrepreneurship Society was a student organisation that aimed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within the College.

They launched in April 2015 with a talk by former Microsoft executive and founder of the global non-profit Room to Read, John Wood.

The society’s ‘Women in Entrepreneurship’ panel featured notable female entrepreneurs discussing their successes and challenges faced, such as gender biases in male-dominated industries.

‘Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2017’ featured workshops by three industry professionals on how to develop and pitch ideas when starting a business.

Ashen Light

Ashen Light (Yale-NUS Astronomy Club) provided opportunities for students to learn more about astronomy through stargazing events, workshops and film screenings.

In 2018, they organised a Triple Moon viewing party at the Elm Rector’s Commons to observe and photograph the rare event of a simultaneous blue moon, supermoon and lunar eclipse. The most recent previous occurrence of this phenomenon witnessed in Singapore was in 1866.

They also collaborated with the NUS Astronomical Society to organise the UTown Space Festival, featuring a Planetarium Cosmos Show and a stargazing event.

Halcyon Heavens: The Yale-NUS Guide to the Universe

Ashen Light collaborated with student publications The Cosmoscience and The Octant to produce this special edition. It featured student photographs of astronomical objects—edited by Ashen Light’s astrophotography editors—alongside scientific descriptions, as well as thought-provoking quotations provided by the Yale-NUS Storytellers society.

Yale-NUS Debate Society

The Yale-NUS Debate Society encouraged students to enjoy the sport of debating while developing their skills.

As well as contributing to local and international debate competitions—both as competitors and judges—the society’s support for inclusivity and equity led them to try to open up the sport to all interested participants.

To this end, they offered tuition to fledgling debaters from local schools, junior colleges, polytechnics and ITEs (Institutes of Technical Education) and also organised Pro-Am competitions where inexperienced debaters were paired with more experienced teammates.

At the 2019 Kingfisher Awards, the society won the Outstanding Student Organisation Programme for their Yale-NUS Easter’s 2019, Singapore’s first ever Asian-styled Pro-Am debate championship.

And in 2020, they organised the first Yale-NUS Pro-Ams, featuring 66 teams from 28 institutions and 10 countries. The debates were all held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yale-NUS Student Investment Group

The Yale-NUS Student Investment Group (YNSIG, originally known as Investment Masterminds) sought to promote financial literacy at the College, increasing students’ understanding of investments, stocks and the financial markets.

To achieve this, the group invited external speakers to share their knowledge of the business and financial sectors, and held workshops and training courses such as the Investment Summer Series.

From 2016, they also organised the Singapore Asset Management Conference, providing opportunities for students to learn about the growing asset and wealth management industry in Singapore, as well as meet and network with some of the main industry players.

Women in Business

Yale-NUS Women in Business was an inclusive support community for women interested in the professional and business worlds.

Through external speakers, sharing sessions, discussion panels and more, they shared knowledge and provided networking opportunities in the fields of finance, technology, entrepreneurship, media and the arts.

They also collaborated with the Yale-NUS Fashion Society to host the Fashion Business Conference in February 2019, exploring the local fashion industry through external speakers and a fashion fair.

Other Organisations