So, we are a four-year residential college, and this is a full four years, in other words students do not have the option of living out after the first or second year like some colleges in the US and elsewhere. So, they have to spend four full years living here, and I think this creates a certain environment of, in a way, intimacy and bonding. So, you see students everywhere, right? They have their classes in the college, they live upstairs, they have their meals in the dining halls, they go to the gym, they play their sports in the Multi Purpose Hall, they have their musicals, their plays and their performances in the Performance Hall and the Black Box [Theatre].
So, it is a community that is so integrated and seamless that, you know, you are living in an environment where everywhere you turn you are encountering students, and students are encountering faculty, and then of course supported by our staff. So, I think this is an important aspect of a liberal arts college, where you are not separated physically or structurally from the community in which you’re part of. And I always see students having discussions with the faculty in the courtyard. I see staff and faculty sometimes chatting in the offices about various things. So, it’s intimate in that sense, and it’s very coordinated so that, you know, you don’t have to really travel very far to get to another place to get something done. It’s all done within the College. So, I find that this is something that creates a very high degree of bonding within the community, and it also allows students to constantly engage the faculty and staff, and not do it only during the office hours.