If you walked anywhere on campus, so to say you were walking from one floor to another, you were bumping into everybody because we were all in that same building. Or if you were taking the lift, everyone was waiting for the same lift.
You know, it became clear to me that all of the staff knew every student. With 150, you can do that. And not just by name. They knew their stories, and they knew their backgrounds, and they had had conversations with them, or gone to lunch with them. And it was very, very intimate.
So, when I think about our time in RC4, it was like everybody was all in, you know, just any hour of day or night there were people milling around, there were faculty on campus.
I was immediately impressed with the energy level that existed in RC4. For being a small space, I mean it was sort of… there was so much enthusiasm and dedication to the College, and a lot of motion. And motion just being people were around, and you were constantly bumping into people. And you walk out to get lunch and you run into a class that’s happening right outside your door at a picnic table. There was just a lot of motion that was really exciting.